#10 - How to Comment on a Curative Record?

Curative records should be accessible from the Maintenance Record menu.
Written by cedric
Updated 9 months ago

Computer Version Procedure:

  1. Navigate to the Curative menu, then to Curative sheets.
  2. Select the maintenance record you wish to comment on and double-click on it.
  3. A detail of information about the maintenance record will appear.
  4. Click on the action button.
  5. A menu will appear with all possible actions.
  6. Select "comment".
  7. Write your comment and then click “Save”.
  8. You can see the comment you wrote in the history.

Mobile Version Procedure:

  1. Open the Chrome browser and enter the URL: https://www.verifgood.fr
  2. In the top left menu, search for "curative" then click on Curative Record.
  3. Choose the maintenance record you wish to comment on and click on it.
  4. At the bottom right, click on Operation and then on comment.
  5. Enter the corresponding comment and click on Save.
  6. The operation is validated, and you can see your comment at the bottom of the curative sheet.

Technical Support: support@verifgood.io

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